Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy May 24

The rain ended Saturday and it's been a
marvelous long weekend ever since.

I made some cards, relaxed in the yard with
my book club selection - A Glass Castle - and ate some amazing food.

A perfect weekend ..... creating, reading and eating.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It all began .......

A couple of years ago, I received a Christmas card from my neighbour Jane.

It was a homemade card - the first I'd ever received.

I was in aw of that card - it was so different - it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

That was the beginning !!!

I want other people to feel the same way I did when they recive a handmade card. I attended a few greeting card classes, then a few more and still more. I was loving every minute of it. Learning to make beautiful things out of paper was addicting.
I continue to attend classes to learn new techniques. I browse through card and gift shops, libraries, books and the net to get ideas and inspiration for my cards.
I will post many of my cards here on my blog for your enjoyment. The next time you need to purchase a card, think about a handmade one. The recipient will definitely approve!!